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Canada Research Chair in Sexual and Gender Minority Studies (Tier 1)

Professor, Department of Educational Psychology (EDPY)

6-102 Education North

Faculty of Education, University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G5

Tel: (780) 492–0767 E-mail:

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Academic Career Highlights


2014–2021            Canada Research Chair in Sexual and Gender Minority Studies (Tier 1): Faculty of Education, University of Alberta


2013–present         Professor: Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta


2008–2018            Faculty Director: Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta


2006–2013            Professor: Department of Educational Policy Studies, University of Alberta


2003–2006            Associate Professor: Department of Educational Policy Studies, University of Alberta


1999–2003            Assistant Professor: Department of Educational Policy Studies, University of Alberta


1997–1999            Postdoctoral Fellow: Waterbury Forum for Education and Cultural Studies, The Pennsylvania State University,                

                              University Park Campus, State College, PA


1993–1997            Doctoral Candidate: Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia


Academic Qualifications


1999                      Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada Postdoctoral Fellow at the Waterbury Forum for                                                    Education and Cultural Studies, The Pennsylvania State University (1997-1999)

Mentor: Dr. Henry A. Giroux, Waterbury Chair Professor of Education and director of the forum


1997                      Ph.D. in Educational Foundations, Dalhousie University (1993-1997)

Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Doctoral Scholar & SSHRC Doctoral Fellow 

                              Doctoral Committee: Dr. Michael R. Welton (Supervisor), Dalhousie University & Mount Saint Vincent University;

                              Dr. Blye Frank, Mount Saint Vincent University; Dr. Donovan Plumb, Dalhousie University & Mount Saint Vincent                                                            University 

                              External Examiner: Dr. Michael Collins, University of Saskatchewan 


1985                      M.Ed. in Educational Administration, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland 

                              Supervisor: Dr. Denis Treslan 


1977                      Bachelor of Education (Secondary Education - First Class Standing)

                              The University Gold Medal for Academic Excellence - Education, Memorial University, St. John's, NL


1975                      Bachelor of Science (Biology - First Class Standing), Memorial University, St. Jonh's, NL 


Scholarly Recognition, Awards, and Grants


2019                       Larry Beauchamp Senior Researcher Award, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta


2018                       CAFA (Confederation of Alberta Faculty Associations) Distinguished Academic Award 


2014-2021              Canada Research Chair in Sexual and Gender Minority Studies (Tier 1) (Social Sciences and Humanities Research                                                             Council of Canada): This award recognizing research excellence is for seven years and is valued at $1,400,000.00.


2014                       Cyril O. Houle Award for Outstanding Literature in Adult Education from the American Association of Adult and                                                               Continuing Education [Grace, A. P. (2013). Lifelong learning as critical action: International perspectives on people,                                                         politics, policy, and practice. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.


2011                       Killam Annual Professorship: This award recognizes outstanding contributions to scholarship and to the University                                                             community.


2010                      Ian Martin Social Justice Award from the UK’s Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the                                                                Education of Adults (40th annual conference, University of Warwick) 


2009                      Philip E. Frandson Award for Literature in the Field of Continuing Higher Education from the U.S. University                                                                    Continuing Education Association [Grace, A. P., & Rocco, T. S. (Eds.). (2009). Challenging the professionalization of adult                                              education: John Ohliger and contradictions in modern practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass: A Wiley Imprint.]


2008                      McCalla Professorship in recognition of Outstanding Scholarship and Research at the University of Alberta 


2008                      Undergraduate Teaching Award, Faculty of Education 


2003                      Alberta Teachers’ Association’s (ATA’s) 2003 Educational Research Award – Project Title: Welfare-and-Work Issues for                                                      LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) Teachers in Canada: Legislative, Legal, and Educational Policy                                                              Contexts Impacting their Personal Lives and Professional Practices


2003                      Centre for Research on Literacy Research Fellowship, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta; Project Title: Building                                                  Information Literacy in order to Build LGBTQ Cultural Literacy. Mentor: Dr. Linda M. Phillips


2003                      Exemplary Refereed Paper, 3rd International Lifelong Learning Conference, Central Queensland University,                                                                        Rockhampton, Australia, June 2004. [Paper Title: Media and Mediation: Information Literacy and the Construction of                                                       LGBTQ Cultural Literacy]


2002                      Coutts-Clarke Research Fellowship, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta


2001                      David Bateson New Scholar Award, Canadian Educational Researchers’ Association


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada: Research Grants


2016-2018             Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Development Research Grant (operating                                                    grant: $64,122) – Co-applicant: Dr. André P. Grace with Principal Investigator Dr. Jason Harley; Project Title: Fostering                                                    Historical Reasoning, Hope, Empathy, Emotional Engagement and Queer History Awareness with a Mobile Augmented Reality App


2015-2020             Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Research Grant (operating grant: $256,888)                                                 – Principal Investigator: Dr. André P. Grace; Project Title: Synchronizing Research, Policymaking, and Practice to Assist                                                  Sexual and Gender Minority Youth to Grow into Resilience


2011-2014             SSHRC Standard Research Grant (operating grant: $113, 060) – Principal Investigator: Dr. André P. Grace; Project Title:                                                    Growing into Resilience: Working in the Intersection of Research, Policy, and Practice to Study the Non-linear, Asset-                                                        creating Processes of Sexual-Minority and Gender-Variant (SMGV) Youth Living in Power Intersections with Their Other                                                  Identities


2008-2011            SSHRC Standard Research Grant (operating grant: $164, 506) – Principal Investigator: Dr. André P. Grace; Project Title:                                                   Using Sexual-Minority Youth Resilience Research to Inform Queer Critical Theory Building and Educational                                                                     Policymaking


2005-2008            SSHRC Standard Research Grant (operating grant: $99, 960) – Principal Investigator: Dr. André P. Grace; Project Title:                                                     Attending to Sex, Sexual, and Gender Differences in Inclusive Education: Perspectives, Needs, Challenges, Risks,                                                               Liabilities, and Possibilities across Educational Interest Groups


2002-2005            SSHRC Standard Research Grant (operating grant: $95, 268) – Principal Investigator: Dr. André P. Grace; Project Title:                                                     Welfare and Work Issues for Queer Teachers in Canada: Legal, Legislative, and Educational Policy Contexts Impacting                                                       their Personal and Professional Lives


Canadian Institutes for Health Research: Research Grant 


2012-2017         CIHR operating grant: $1, 977, 930 – $399, 586/year for 5 years; Project Title: Reducing Stigma, Promoting Resilience:  

                          Population Health Interventions for LGBTQ Youth. Co-Investigator with Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc, Principal Investigator,        

                          UBC School of Nursing.


Commissioned Research, Knowledge Dissemination, and Consulting Work (2008-2019)

2016-2018        Appointment (invited) to the Evidence Foundation Leadership Team applying research findings in implementing the

                         Community Health Action Plan for the City of Edmonton, Alberta


2016-2017        Appointment (invited) to the provincial External Advisory Committee for Alberta’s Office of the Child and Youth    

                         Advocate in their work to research and produce a Special Report on sexual and gender minority youth receiving services from                                    either the Child Intervention System or the Youth Justice System


2011                 Established the Queer Studies in Education and Culture Special Interest Group within the Canadian Society for the Study

                         of Education; hosted inaugural meeting at CSSE 2012; SIG President 2011 – 2018; SIG Past President 2019


2010-2013       Appointment (invited) to the Canadian Teachers’ Federation Panel of Academic Experts for Sexual and Gender Minority



2010-2012       Expert Advisor (invited) to the Chief Public Health Officer’s Reports Unit on the State of Public Health in Canada, Public

                        Health Agency of Canada (2011 and 2012 annual reports) 


2010- 2012      Member of the National Working Group on Sexual Health, Public Health Agency of Canada (invited)


2008                Established the Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services as a research and advocacy hub for local, national, and                                                   international work on sexual and gender minority issues in the intersection of research, policy, and practice in education and culture


Community Service Grants and Recognition (2014-2019)


2018-2019      Ministry of Children’s Services / Community and Social Services (operating grant: $135,400.00): Comprehensive Health                                                   Educator Workers Project for intervention and outreach with street-involved and homeless sexual and gender minority                                                       youth in inner city Edmonton 


2017-2018      Ministry of Children’s Services / Community and Social Services (operating grant: $90,267.00): Comprehensive Health                                                     Educator Workers Project for intervention and outreach with street-involved and homeless sexual and gender minority                                                       youth in inner city Edmonton 


2017               Awarded the 2017 Alberta Justice and Solicitor General Community Justice Award in the Innovation Category for

                       contributions promoting community safety through crime prevention in the province     


2014-2016     Alberta Community HIV Fund, Public Health Agency of Canada, and Government of Alberta (service grant: $278, 752.00);

                       Edmonton Police Foundation (service grant: $10,000.00): Comprehensive Health Education Workers Program


Scholarly Publications and Presentations
Scholarly Publications (Books)

Grace, A. P. (2015). Part II with K. Wells. Growing into resilience: Sexual and gender minority youth in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Grace, A. P. (2013). Lifelong learning as critical action: International perspectives on people, politics, policy, and practice. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.


Grace, A. P., & Rocco, T. S. (Eds.). (2009). Challenging the professionalization of adult education: John Ohliger and contradictions in modern practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass: A Wiley Imprint.


Grace, A. P., & Wells, K. (2016). Sexual and gender minorities in Canadian education and society (1969-2013): A national handbook for K-12 educators. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Teachers’ Federation. (Published in English & French.)


Hill, R. J., & Grace, A. P. (Eds.). (2009). Adult and higher education in queer contexts: Power, politics, and pedagogy. Chicago, IL: Discovery Association Publishing House.


Merriam, S. B., & Grace, A. P. (Eds.). (2011). The Jossey-Bass reader on contemporary issues in adult education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass: A Wiley Imprint.


Scholarly Publications (Selected Journal Articles: 2005-2018)

Grace, A. P. (2018). Alberta bounded: Comprehensive sexual health education, parentism, and gaps in provincial legislation and educational policy. Canadian Journal of Education, 41(2), 472-497.

Grace, A. P., & English, L. M. (2018). Undergraduate adult education in the contemporary neoliberal university. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 64(2), 188-193.


Grace, A. P. (2017). Two good gay teachers: Pioneering advocate-practitioners confronting homophobia in schooling in British Columbia, Canada. Irish Educational Studies, 36(1), 1-14. DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2017.1289701.


Grace, A. P. (2016). Counteracting fabricated anti-gay public pedagogy in Uganda with strategic lifelong learning as critical action. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 35(1), 51-73, DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2015.1129366.


Grace, A. P. (2014). A periodization of North American adult education (1919-1970): A critical sociological analysis of trends and perspectives. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 33(2), 183-206. DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2013.831955


Grace, A. P. (2014). It’s about adult education and more: It’s about lifelong learning for all and for all of life. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 26(2), 33-46.


Grace, A. P. (2012). The decline of social education and the rise of instrumentalism in North American adult education (1947–1970). Studies in the Education of Adults, 44(2), 225-244.


Grace, A. P. (2008). The charisma and deception of reparative therapies: When medical science beds religion. Journal of Homosexuality, 55(4), 545-580.


Grace, A. P. (2005). Reparative therapies: A contemporary clear and present danger across minority sex, sexual, and gender differences. Canadian Woman Studies, 24(2, 3), 145-151.


Scholarly Publications (Selected Book Chapters: 2011 – 2019)

Grace, A. P. (2019). Two good gay teachers: Pioneering advocate-practitioners confronting homophobia in schooling in British Columbia, Canada. In D. Fahie, A. Quilty, & R. DePalma Ungaro (Eds.), Queer teaching – teaching queer (pp. 16-40). London: Routledge.

Grace, A. P. (2018). Gay boys do cry: Homophobia and victimization in Canadian school culture. In D. Griffiths & J. Ryan (Eds.), Case studies for inclusive educators & leaders (pp. 231-237). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.


Grace, A. P. (2018). Full recognition of sexual and gender minority youth in Canadian schooling: Matters of access, adjustment, and accommodation. In W. Smale (Ed.), Perspectives on Canadian educational law and policy (pp.243-263). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.


Grace, A. P. (2017). Difference is: Sexual and gender minority youth and young adults and the challenges to be and belong in Canada. In S. Carpenter & S. Mojab (Eds.), Youth in/as crisis: Young people, public policy, and the politics of learning (pp. 95-106). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.


Grace, A. P. (2016). Socializing higher education for sexual and gender minorities: Using critically progressive education to enhance recognition and accommodation. In L. Shultz & M. Viczko (Eds.), Assembling and governing the HE institution: Democracy, social justice and leadership in global higher education (pp. 385-402). London: Palgrave Macmillan.


Grace, A. P. (2016). Lifelong learning as critical action for sexual and gender minorities as a constituency of the learner fringe. In R. C. Mizzi, T. S. Rocco, & S. Shore (Eds.). Disrupting adult and community education: Teaching, learning, and working in the periphery (pp. 17-34). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.


Grace, A. P. (2015). GSAs and creating positive school environments to help students to grow into resilience. In Alberta Teachers’ Association & Wells, K. (Eds.), GSAs and QSAs in Alberta Schools: A guide for teachers (pp. 22-23). Edmonton, AB. Alberta Teachers’ Association.


Grace, A. P. (2015). Foreword. In W. T. Smale (Ed.), Twenty-five issues in educational and administrative law (pp. i-v). Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press.


Grace, A. P. (2015). How can educational leaders support sexual and gender minority (SGM) students in our schools? In D. Griffiths & J. P. Portelli (Eds.), Key questions for educational leaders (pp. 73-77). Burlington, ON: Word & Deed Publishing.


Grace, A. P. (2014). 3-H clubs for sexual and gender minority youth: Working at iSMSS to make it better now. In D. Gosse (Ed.), Out proud: Stories of pride, courage, and social justice (pp. 313-315). St. John’s, NL: Breakwater Books & Egale Canada Human Rights Trust.


Grace, A. P. (2013). Researching sexual minority and gender variant youth and their growth into resilience. In W. Midgley, P. A. Danaher, & M. Baguley (Eds.), The role of participants in education research: Ethics, epistemologies, and methods (pp. 15-28). New York: Routledge.


Grace, A. P. (2013). Gay rights as human and civil rights: Matters of degree in culture, society, and adult education. In T. Nesbit, S. Brigham, T. Gibb, & N. Taber (Eds.), Building on critical traditions: Adult education and learning in Canada (pp. 72-81). Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.


Grace, A. P. (2013). Camp fYrefly: Linking research to advocacy in community work with sexual and gender minority youth. In W. Pearce & J. Hillabold (Eds.), OUT SPOKEN: Perspectives on queer identities (pp. 127-142). Regina, SK: University of Regina Press.


Grace, A. P., & Wells, K. (2012). The Marc Hall prom predicament: Queer individual rights v. institutional church rights in Canadian public education. In D. Naugler (Ed.), Canadian perspectives in sexualities studies (pp. 179-192). [Reprint from the Canadian Journal of Education]. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.


Grace, A. P. (2011). Building a knowledge base in U.S. academic adult education (1945-1970). In S. B. Merriam & A. P. Grace (Eds.), The Jossey-Bass reader on contemporary issues in adult education (pp. 33-55). [Reprint]. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass: A Wiley Imprint.


Grace, A. P., & Wells, K. (2011). Using Freirean pedagogy of just ire to inform critical social learning in arts-informed community education for sexual minorities. In S. B. Merriam & A. P. Grace (Eds.), The Jossey-Bass reader on contemporary issues in adult education (pp. 436-458). [Reprint from the Adult Education Quarterly]. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass: A Wiley Imprint.


Commissioned and Other Reports

Grace, A. P., with Bishop, CJ, Hankey, J. R., Pynoo, E., & Wyness, C. (2019). The chew project research report: Recognizing and accommodating street-involved and homeless sexual and gender minority youth and young adults in Edmonton. A report commissioned by the Ministry of Children’s Services, Government of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. 


Grace, A. P., with Hankey, J. (2016). Sexual and gender minority children and youth in care: Matters affecting their full recognition and accommodation. A research report commissioned by the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate Alberta, Edmonton, AB.



© 2019 André P. Grace
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