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Faculty of Education, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada

André P. Grace, Ph.D.

Canada Research Chair in Sexual and Gender Minority Studies



André P. Grace, PhD is Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Sexual and Gender Minority Studies (Tier 1) in the Faculty of Education, University of Alberta. His research focuses on social recognition and accommodation of sexual and gender minority (SGM including queer, trans, and non-binary) youth and young adults, with emphases on their comprehensive health, educational, justice, and sociocultural concerns. Linking research to advocacy and service, he directs the Chew (community~health~empowerment~wellness) Project for vulnerable SGM youth and young adults in Edmonton. Please visit





Throughout my academic career, I have linked my research program to advocating for inclusion, equity, and social justice for vulnerable learners in life, learning, institutional, and community contexts.



Growing Into Resilience

Lifelong Learning as Critical Action

Sexual and Gender Minorities in Canadian Education and Society

Media Interviews

Grace, A. P. (2019, June 19). Pride divided: Communities splintered, leadership under pressure as LGBTQ community looks to future. [Interview with David Friend]. The Canadian Press. Available at

Grace, A. P. (2019, June 7). The end of Pride? [University of Toronto Press Blog]. Available at

Grace, A. P. (2019, April 11). What's next for Edmonton Pride after impasse leads to festival cancellation. [Interview with Janet French]. Edmonton Journal. Available at

Grace, A. P. (2019, January 21). Study calls for mandatory sexual health education in schools. [Interview with Scott Lingley]. Illuminate. Available at


Grace, A. P. (2018, September 19). P.E.I. sex-ed curriculum needs updating, says professor. [Interview with Sarah MacMillan]. CBC News. Available at

Grace, A. P. (2017, November 10). Gender-segregated activities have a place in schools. [Interview with David Staples – Opinion piece]. Edmonton Journal. Available at

Grace, A. P. (2017, November 3). Helping youth to grow into resilience: Prof urges teachers to develop networks of support. University of Manitoba Today News. Available at


Grace, A. P. (2016, September 7). Growing into Resilience. Open Minds Research Presentation, University of Alberta. Available at

Grace, A. P. & Wyness, C. (2016, August 18). LGBT youth in Edmonton ending up in the sex trade. CTV Two Alberta Primetime [Television broadcast with host Shawna Randolph]. Edmonton, Alberta: CTV Edmonton Television. Available at

Grace, A. P. (2016, April 14). Allowing students to opt-out of sexual education courses and the consequences of inadequate sex ed among youth. CTV Two Alberta Primetime [Television broadcast with host Michael Higgins]. Edmonton, Alberta: CTV Edmonton Television. Available at

Grace, A. P. (2016, April 12). Alberta’s sex ed failing, critics say. [Interview with Janet French]. Edmonton Journal, pp. A1, A4. Available at

Grace, A. P. (2016, March 17). Online porn, sexting should be included in sex ed curriculum, Alberta professor says. Global News Edmonton [Television Broadcast with reporter Laurel Gregory]. Available at



André P. Grace, Ph.D.
Canada Research Chair in Sexual and Gender Minority Studies
(Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Tier 1)
Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
6-102 Education North
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6G 2G5
+1 (780) 492-0767
© 2019 André P. Grace
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